Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back Yard Chickens

Did you know that we have back yard chickens? Well, we do. They're legal in Englewood, along with pit bulls and really ugly front yards landscaped entirely with rocks.

We really enjoy the chickens and people find them very interesting. At the beginning of April we bought 7 chicks thinking a few of them would die. 2 of them were mysteriously murdered (heads bitten off, but bodies still in the coop). Now we have 5 chickens.

Of course we don't have a rooster because we don't want our neighbors to hate us. Most of the people I work with didn't realize that chickens will lay eggs without a rooster present. They will.

After a few months the chickens started laying eggs. At first they were very small. They're getting bigger now. We get between 0-4 everyday.

Here are the sweet baby chicks in April.

After living inside for their first few weeks of life, they moved outside into the coop that Marc built. The coop is in our garden, still bare in this picture taken at the beginning of May.

Now they look like this. I love the black ones. They're very fancy.

The coop has been painted and it's a cute addition to our yard. We let the chickens free range in the yard most afternoons.


Jordan E said...

That is a fancy coop for those fancy chickens. Also, I am very glad they are 'free range'.

Gina & Brian said...

I love that you called the black chickens "fancy". The coop is super cute.