Thursday, November 3, 2011

Crossfit Update-Month 1

 It's been a month since my first crossfit post.  How many burpees, pull ups, squats, 400m runs have I done in the last month?  I cannot say...a lot.

I've been going at least 3x per week, sometimes 4.  I've also snuck into Bally's a few times for a pure cardio session on the stair climber-you know, the one with real stairs.  I love that thing.

I won't be entering a bikini contest anytime soon, but overall I'm happy with the results after a month.  I have been eating really well, except on the weekend.  KBG will appreciate that I made a 9x13 of 7 layer dip a few weekends ago and managed to eat the entire thing over 2 days.  There has also been chili, lots of chili (involving lots of cheese!).  On a snowy day, what are you supposed to do?
Crossfit is definitely not for everyone.  I have bruises on my legs and after days where we jump rope I always have welts on my arms.  Workouts are a race with everyone else in the class and I almost alway finish last.  The other people are ridiculously fit and complete fitness snobs.  Example: they wear shirts that have a picture of a girl on a treadmill with the word FAIL.  They drink protein shakes and take tons of fish oil, they don't eat carbs.  They have 6 packs...all of them (except me, see below).

Let me outline this evening's workout as an example of what goes down over an hour:
-Stretching + 300m brisk jog
-Pre-workout workout
    1. 20 pass throughs=a full P.E. sit up with soft 8lb ball overhead, throw ball to partner when coming up
      from sit up
    2. throw a 20lb ball over your head backwards across the room
    3. with 20lb ball locked overhead lunge back across the room
    *repeat 3 times
-Now we're ready for the REAL workout!
   All workouts are "for time" in one way or another.  Most are complete as quickly as possible.  Like this 
   one tonight:
   For time:
   -50 burpees (chest must hit ground, clap must be over head with feet off the ground)
   -100 ball slams (20 lb ball starts over head, bend down and slam at heels, pick up bounce, back up 
     overhead).  This turns out to be hard to do 100x.
   -150 squats (butt must be BELOW knees)
I mean, it's not easy.

I lost an inch off my butt, inch from my stomach, and .5 from my thighs, and 4 lbs.  Overall, I things are much more toned than before and I'm feeling good.

Here's a low cal, low carb cheers to all of you who are also putting in your hours at the gym and staying healthy.  I know most of us are thinking about it almost all the time (because we've all talked about it together a million times). :)

I may never have a waist again.  My stomach may alway look like a biggest loser contestant's post weight loss (know what I mean...what happened to my skin??).  I got this little 10 month old out of it and that makes me really happy!  4 teeth!


Anthony and Katie Green said...

She's so dern cute, 4 teeth, wow! You are looking great, I wish I looked half as good. I do appreciate the 7 layer dip fact, that could be my problem now that I think about it...haha.
I have a friend that does crossfit and she like pushes cars by herself and stuff. It's insane!

Lisa Cotter said...

You look amazing!!!!!

Gina & Brian said...

That is intense. Cheers to you. I hate fitness snobs.