Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nasty to Nice

I couldn't find a picture, though I'm sure there is one, of the nasty old bathroom in our laundry room. I'll just describe it to you: cinder block shower, concrete walls, painted cement floor, nasty sink. We had been talking about fixing it up just to make it not gross.

Then I went out of town one weekend and came home to something like this.

Marc made the executive decision to completely demo the bathroom and start fresh. It was the right thing to do in the long run...though I'll admit there might have been some yelling about the amount of time being spent working downstairs. New baby+bathroom reno=yelling (at my house anyway).

Marc did almost all of the work by himself. It's probably his biggest undertaking so far! He grew very attached to working on the bathroom (he's into stuff like this) and sometimes after he had been downstairs all evening "working on the bathroom" I would go see what he had accomplished and he hadn't made any progress..he would say things like, I tried to find my Dremel, or I thought about where to put the toilet. These things take hours. We laugh about that now, so it's ok to talk about it.

Anyway, from the photos above, to the photos below. It turned out so well! We consider it the guest bath even though it's downstairs.

Requisite detail shot-shower tile.

Tiled shower! New window!

We (Marc) did a good job of remembering this is our basement bathroom so the furnishings don't have to be the best. We did it pretty cheap, but it looks great! I haven't really decorated yet, just got the linens in place.

And there you have it. If you come visit, this is what you have to look forward to! Yay for Marc! Thanks for being so handy, honey:).


JamieShook said...

Yay Marc is right!! And yay Sarah for that shower curtain! I can't wait to use the new loo!

(ummm... my "word verification" for this post is "panti". Kind of appropriate???)

Lisa Cotter said...

looks fantastic!!

Gina & Brian said...

I am so impressed!!!!! Yay, Marc!

Jordan E said...

Sarah (Marc), It looks great! That is pretty amazing to have a new baby and do a bathroom reno all within a few months! I love the shower curtain.

Tim, Lisa and Edan said...

That looks amazing. Great job Marc! Let us know when you move, hehe.