Thursday, August 11, 2011

Baby (Food) Making

**formatting on blogger drives me CRAZY. Sorry for all the spaces.
I'm not a crazy, organic, yoga, green tea, Whole Foods, Denver mom or anything (there are plenty of those already)...but I do make Ava's baby food.

Note: I'm into crazy, organic, yoga, green tea, Whole Foods in moderation.

I had already decided before Ava was born that I would make her baby food. When she turned 6 months I got started. Because she was a little older when she started solids, she took to them right away! She's been a good eater since day 1. You're not surprised, you've seen her thighs :).

This is the face of a satisfied customer after enjoying yummy carrots. If you're interested, continue reading as I detail my baby food making process. It's quite simple and fairly quick. Ava eats pretty much whatever now. I try to give her a variety of fruits and vegs through the week. Normally I go to Costco and get a bunch of fresh and frozen produce, whatever looks good that day.

A lot of times I will add rice or oatmeal cereal, and/or full fat plain yogurt, and/or formula or breast milk (until that ended, BOO) to the fruit mixes I make.

Here are some of the "recipes" Ava likes right now:

apricots+banana+rice cereal


blueberries+yogurt+old fashioned oatmeal

I also make apple sauce. Her very favorite food is by far the avocado which requires basically no prep at all.
Step one of baby food making is steaming. The only thing I've made her that I haven't steamed is blueberries, avocado, banana, peaches. I use a steamer basket it a big pot.
When food is soft, blend.
Then I put it in ice cube trays and freeze it. When it's frozen I put it in a big zip lock freezer bag.

I send it to daycare frozen in little individual tupperware.
Good news (Katie G.)! These Anthro bowls are just the right size for heating and serving baby food! You know, just fostering good taste in houseware at a young age.


Gina & Brian said...

Do you steam fruit and then blend it, too?

Lisa Cotter said...

Soooo glad to see you blogged!!

Anthony and Katie Green said...

Wow, I am so impressed on many levels. Love the Anthro bowls! I haven't even thought I could make HC's baby food, but maybe I could with some more guidance from you! That's amazing.