Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekend BBQ

We had a few friends over for a little bbq this weekend. The weather was perfect and we had a great time enjoying delicious summer food and watching babies play.

This is what we had for dinner. Marc grilled hamburgers, Lisa brought yummy orzo salad, Tim and Lisa brought a delicious mix of red and yellow cherry tomatoes, avocado, corn, with lime juice and olive oil dressing, and salt and vinegar chips. YUM. I guess I just contributed chips...oh, and brownies for dessert!Edan came over looking his best in a cute green romper. Ava went with the sailor look, showing her patriotism.

Nobody loves babies more than Lisa! She was in heaven between both babies and the Delilah the three legged dog she was dog sitting. When a squirrel tried to jump over the fence we all learned how fast three legged dogs can run!

Thanks for coming over! Let's get together lots this summer!


Lisa Cotter said...

love love love!!!

Tim, Lisa and Edan said...

I had so much fun and those are quite possibly two of the best looking kids I have ever seen!

Tim, Lisa and Edan said...

p.s. I wish I was eating that hamburger right now.