Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Last weekend, Ava and I flew to Pittsburgh to see my cousin Ashley marry Chris! Tickets were not cheap so it was just the two of us, and it was an airport adventure (as flying with a baby always is).

Before sharing the details of the trip, I want to tell you about the shameless things I did while traveling, and then while I was there. You think you'll never be "that" person, but it turns out sometimes you are.

-Allowed several helpful strangers to hold Ava while I held up the DIA and PIT security lines trying to collapse the stupid stroller. Why won't it ever collapse??

-Dropped a pacifier on the tile floor in security line, cleaned it with my mouth, gave it back to Ava. Really gross.

-Pumped out in the open in the regular bathroom because there wasn't a family bathroom. I was cutting my time a little close when I started pumping so I was already stressed, then Ava started crying because she was hungry, and then they started paging me in the terminal. Sooooo that was a good 10 minutes.

-Changed Ava's diaper on the tray table because the guy on the outside of my row was passed out. I did put something over the tray table, but I'm just saying, those tables probably aren't that clean.

-Used the bathroom on the plane with Ava on my lap. What are you supposed to do??


Now for the trip details! Cousin Ashley and Chris on their wedding day!
I got to spend lots of time with brothers and Dad (Lucas, Dad, Jonas)...
...and with Mom, Jamie and Erin! Doesn't Jamie look great? She's pregnant with TWINS due in November! We're finding out tomorrow if they'll have boy boy, boy girl, or girl girl!
On Sunday Mom, Lucas, Jamie and I drove the hilly PA roads to the Frank Lloyd Wright house, Falling Water. Wright designed the house to sit over a waterfall! Its famous architect, unique design, gorgeous nature reserve property, and the fact that it sits over the waterfall make it a wonderful place to visit. Good thing I'd been before because Ava wasn't allowed in the house. We had a nice time exploring the grounds instead.
It's hard to tell in the picture below, but the stairs lead down into the stream and the waterfall drops off just behind the stairs. Can you imagine having all of those patios to enjoy?
Our bathroom remodel is almost finished! I can't wait to show you!


TheBaugh's said...

Your list of "shameless" activities at the airport made me laugh so hard. Traveling to FL with Braden was exhausting, and I had my parents helping me! I couldn't imagine doing it alone. You're a super trooper!! Aren't helpful strangers God's little blessings? I've had several, and can't tell you how much I appreciate them!

Jordan E said...

I have a hard enough time in the airport by myself ... I don't blame you for being "that" person. I love these stories, though!

Soooo excited to see you SOON!

Anthony and Katie Green said...

Those situations are so funny, i can't believe you traveled alone with her, wow!
Isn't PA so pretty? Looks like a fun trip, let us know what the twins are going to be!

JamieShook said...

Sarah, I really love this post and I really just want to steal it and make it my latest post, too! We took ZERO pictures in Pittsburgh! Thanks for the shout out! Lucas just looks like a pro holding that Ava Girl, doesn't he???