Sunday, January 16, 2011

Product Round Up

Well, after a quick 40(ish) weeks, finally our little Ava was born! Here I am mid contraction around 2am on the 27th. They started around 6pm and finally were 5 minutes apart for a few hours by 2am. We later went to the hospital only to be sent home and told to come back when contractions were stronger and closer together. I thought these were bad enough.
We went back to the hospital around 2pm on the 28th after I had not slept the night of the 27th and contractions had not stopped since they had originally started. I was almost not admitted to the hospital on the 28th, but luckily during the nurse's last check before sending me home, my water broke. Yay!

I went straight upstairs and had the first of 3 epidurals. The first 2 didn't work. Because the baby's heartrate kept dropping and then popping back up, there was talk of a c-section during the entire labor. This meant no popsicles or crushed ice-really disappointing (Lisa, you know how I love crushed ice).

I made it to 9cm dilated by around 7am on the 29th, but the dr. didn't think baby would be coming anytime soon, so we made the call to go with the c-section. At that point I really didn't care. At least I didn't have to push AND have a c-section. Once we made the call, we were in the operating room within 30 minutes and had Ava about 10 minutes later!

Everything since then has been a blur. I finally feel back on my feet after the c-section, and like I have life with a newborn a little bit more figured out (for today, things are different everyday).

Since so many of my readers are pregnant, I thought I would let you know about some of my favorite baby products so far. These are the things we use everyday and love.

Ava was 7.4lbs when she was born. She really only fits into onesies. She has this collection below and wears 1-3 of them a day-no pants. Don't worry, she has others too but she looks extra sweet in these.
Burp Cloths-we have some cute ones, but for everyday we use Gerber Flat Fold Birdseye Cloth Diapers. At anytime in our house you can see at least 3 of these laying around. Of course, when Ava decides to spit up an entire feeding there's never one handy.
I did a lot of research on all of the bigger items below and am happy with all of them. Maybe this will save some of you a few hours of reading product reviews.

1. Pump-Medela Pump in Style. It's really good and I use it all the time. Definitely not a place you want to save money.

2. Car Seat-We have this one and I think it's good. It's really heavy and hard for me to carry. The good thing is that it goes up to 35 lbs so you don't have to buy a new one for awhile.

3. Swing-MamaRoo-I like it because it isn't primary colors, it's small, and connects to an iPod. Ava likes it because it has like 8 different motions to choose from. It's still a little big for her, but she sits in it sometimes.

4. Bouncer-My Little Lamb-I was going to get a small bouncer but ended up getting this one. I'm glad I did since she doesn't fit in her swing quite yet. Ava takes all of her naps in it for now. It vibrates and plays music but we usually just keep it off. It's really light so it gets carried upstairs and downstairs on a daily basis.
This also comes in a swing version. I probably could have just gotten just this swing instead of the swing I have and this bouncer. I like having both though since usually one is upstairs and one is downstairs.
5. Glass Bottles-Lifefactory-Ava usually nurses, but sometimes gets a bottle. Her daddy loves to feed her. I researched bottles forever. I knew I wanted glass and then started reading reviews on all sorts of different bottles. In the end, I got these because they're cute and don't have 15 pieces like the popular Dr. Brown bottles. They are a bottle and a nipple and I think that's really all you need. I'm happy with them. We have 4 small and 4 large.
Look at this little face. We cannot get enough.

This was probably a week and a half ago but seems like much longer. Her little newborn rash is all cleared up now. We think she's just the prettiest and sweetest baby.


Gina & Brian said...

Wow, so happy to read this post! Sounds like your labor was tumultuous, but exciting! Thanks for the baby gear recommendations. I think I'm going to register for the lamb swing or one in a similar pattern, same brand. How are the cloth diapers working out?

Jordan E said...

She is the prettiest and sweetest baby!

Lisa Cotter said...

So happy to see a new blog post! I need to come visit again soon! Maybe tomorrow??

Sarah said...

Gina-She's still too small for her cloth diapers, but she's getting close to fitting! I'm seeing already how much we'll be saving by using them. Diapers aint cheap.

Lisa-come visit pleaassseee

Tim, Lisa and Edan said...

I am so happy you are doing so good. It was really exciting to see a blog post today! Those pictures of her stole my heart seriously. I know all you two do is stare at her. She is gorgeous. I can't wait to come by again.