Wednesday, October 5, 2011


 The only thing sweeter than a baby girl is...TWO BABY GIRLS!

On Oct.3, Jamie and Lucas' baby girls decided it was time to be born.  Jamie was 33 weeks so the babies are old enough to breathe on their own and are healthy as can be!  They are staying in the NICU for a few weeks.

Don't they look like the most precious little dolls sleeping so sweetly? 
Isn't it so cute that Margaret (left) has dark hair like Lucas and Nora has light hair like Jamie (right)?
Don't you wonder how tiny they seem in real life since they're 4lb 5oz and 4lb 10oz?
Don't you wish there was a picture of the twins with their mommy and daddy?

Don't you want to kiss that tiny face?
Can you see how small her head is compared to Dad's hand?
Don't you want to pull that blanket down so you can see her baby tummy (you KNOW you do!)?
That's sleepy little Margaret, just growing and getting stronger every hour!
Doesn't Nora have the most perfect little nose?
Don't her little kissy lips make you smile?
Doesn't she look so peaceful and sweet? 
Don't you want to reach in and grab her?!!
Doesn't this just make you think about what a miracle it is when babies are perfect and healthy, even when they're born 7 weeks early?

Congratulations, Lucas and Jamie!  I can't wait to come meet these most precious girls!


Gina & Brian said...

Doesn't this want to make you just have another one?!

Lisa Cotter said...

They relaly are perfect!! It is so amazing :)