Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vacations Are Fun, Necessary

You know, I have mother guilt just as bad as the next gal, but one thing that doesn't take my mother guilt meter over the top is going on a nice vacation.

Marc and I went to Playa Del Carment for his dirty 30 for 4 nights, and it was awesome!  We really just had the best time.  We're so lucky Ava's grandma and grandpa Gompert were happy to come and play with her while we were gone!! 

Lately we're both way too stressed at work, and of course busy loving that baby. We have a busy but wonderful life, but sometimes we need a break...preferably in a different country, and in this case at a luxury all inclusive.  Don't mind if I do.

The first night went like this-we arrived at the resort around 5pm and went straight to the beach bar, made a friend from Denver(Lisa Cotter's future boyfriend), dinner we hardly remember (ohhh boy), met back up with Lisa's boyfriend and the wedding party he was with, shots with the bride, dance party, room service nachos, wake up with guac in the bed.  Perfect.

I woke up the morning of our first day (next to guac) to this beautiful sunrise.  Then I checked my work email shhhh.
Then I forgot all about work email. 
Pool time.
 Pretty lobby.
 Awesome beach by day...
 and night.  We love the beach at night.  Maybe that's because it takes us back to our crazy camping on the beach college days in Hawaii, I don't know.  We had the best time hanging out at the beach a little every night (and watching Lisa's boyfriend shimmy up a tree and get a coconut-see Lisa, he's a good provider).
Can you think of a better way to end your 20s?   

1 comment:

Lisa Cotter said...

I really like everything I am reading! So glad you guys had a great vacation and I can't wait to meet my future husband!!